Sunday, January 06, 2008

thank god for life

sometimes we have to learn to breathe..... just inhale and exhale

life is not meant to be a rush so we all need sometime in a day to ourselves in which we can just
s l o w down

sometimes i wish that we had more than 24hrs in a day..... it seems that if we had more time then more things can be accomplished and we would be more satisfied.....

however, this is simply not true......if we have more time, we would waste more time in return and the same amount of work (or less) could be finished

ppl don't waste time because we are lazy

we waste time because we always want to s l o w down and smell the roses... if we have more time in a day, then we don't have to rush through things... instead we can just waste our lives away in relaxation...... bliss?

not really

personally, i feel more accomplished and satisfied in a day if i can achieve all of my goals to the best of my abilities....if i can do all that i set out to do, then my day is complete.......

no rush
no rush
no need to rush

even if i have A LOT of things to do in one day... i need to do them one at a time... and take a few moments... or minutes to enjoy these small accomplishments...

and don't forget to smile
and thank the lord for life

thank you dear god, for providing me with the opportunities to set these goals... thank you for guiding me through these tasks... and thank you for believing in me so I can accomplish these goals in the best ways possible...
thank you lord...
thank you

love, always